Winter Birds

Renee and Stacy braved snow and wind to spend a chilly January night in the treehouse in celebration of Stacy's 30th birthday. They stopped in Woodstock on their way up from Greenfield, MA, where Renee gave Stacy a snowshoe lesson. It was after nightfall by the time they found their way to Lincoln, and their trusty Honda was not willing to climb the steep driveway to the house. They had enough energy left to hike up, packs on their backs, and snuggle under the down comforter in the treehouse loft for the night.

In the morning we greeted Stacy with a birthday candle stuck into a fig muffin and sang her Happy Birthday, a little off key. She didn't seem to mind. These were two good souls. Renee does organic farming, and Stacy works for a nonprofit, helping underprivileged children. We enjoyed their company and wish they could've stayed a little longer, but they promise to return in warmer weather, and maybe they'll try a trek up Mt. Abe.


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